About Rescue Trans Rescue: https://rescue-trans-rescue.glitch.me
It will be an online art sale and fundraiser. There will be a method of signing up for TR’s email list and a method for direct donation as well as sales.
Link for artists: https://rescue-trans-rescue.glitch.me/artists.html

About Trans Rescue: https://transrescue.org/
We help trans*, intersex, and other people flee places where it is dangerous to be trans.
We help them reach places of safety and reasonable quality of life.
We do so legally and securely

About my involvement: I am a trans person who has largely disconnected with his blood family due to transphobia. I’ve had friends flee their homes (in many forms- fleeing from one USA state to another, leaving hostile countries for less hostile countries, going out of the USA for surgeries and coming back once they can pass safely, etc). We keep each other safe. This takes on many forms, and there are so many ways to keep each other safe. For this project I’ll be making an acrylic painting on a 12 inch circle canvas. The background will be made of trans pride colors, and the subject is undetermined as of yet but will probably depict trans folks living life.